ants are crawling on a cupcake with strawberries and whipped cream

Ant Exterminator

a close up of ants on a cupcake with whipped cream

Ant Exterminator

There are 12,000 species of ants worldwide, but the ones we’re most concerned with in Illinois are Carpenter Ants. They’re often confused with termites because both bugs bore into wood and do terrible damage. The two are quite distinct, and ants have even been known to prey on termites. Carpenter Ants are the largest species in Illinois and the most common household pest in the Midwest. They cause millions in damage yearly across the country, damaging the wood in walls, flooring, and furniture, along with insulation, windows, and door frames.


Other types of ants can be quite a nuisance as well. Pavement Ants are one of the species found inside most commonly and are named because they build nests underground, then push the soil to the surface along rocks, sidewalks, and driveways. Their mounds aren’t just eyesores; they can also cause property damage when built up inside a home or business. The Odorous House Ant earned its name because of the rotten smell released when the bugs are crushed and because they’re often found indoors, especially in the fall and during hard rains. 


Small Honey Ants, Larger Yellow Ants, and Pharaoh Ants are also species to keep an eye out for in Illinois. The latter type can form colonies with over 100,000 ants, and queens can produce millions of babies over the years. The bugs that make their way inside contaminate food and leave trails of bacteria as they explore your property.


Ants travel far and wide, foraging for food. They feel vibrations in the ground rather than having ears and follow pheromone trails from fellow ants to help them know where they’re going. The foragers are workers; colonies also have one or more queens. Aside from the foragers, some soldiers defend the colony and the queen and attack other colonies in search of space, and nursery ants who help take care of the eggs and babies.


Ants can be extremely tough to get rid of. Their bites range from pesky to dangerous in severity, sometimes merely being itchy, sometimes painful, and sometimes sending people to the hospital. Their colonies can be massive and are often hidden partially underground. They’re the world’s longest-living insect, so it isn’t a good idea to wait things out and see if they die on their own. They’re also highly resourceful and coordinated. Ants can carry 50 times their body weight (the equivalent of a second-grader lifting a car) and work together to transport large items if necessary, fueling the colony.


At Westshore Pest Control, we understand that no two infestations are alike. We don’t take the easy way by skimping out with a blanket approach that may not be as effective in certain situations. Instead, we create custom solutions for every single client, whether a small household or a giant corporation. As a family-owned business operated out of Mundelein, we are wholly dedicated to your comfort and happiness. Contact us today to see why we’re considered the best pest control company in Lake County.

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